Англичанка похудела на 45 кг после того, как перестала узнавать себя (фото до и после)

Англичанка Ребекка Графтон всегда любила вкусную и калорийную пищу, в которой никогда себе не отказывала. Однако такой подход настолько сильно изменил ее тело, что она перестала узнавать себя на фотографиях.

Вес Ребекки составлял 111 кг, когда она решила, что нужно срочно что-то менять. С тех пор девушке удалось добиться впечатляющих результатов похудения: она сбросила 45 кг лишнего веса!

История похудения Ребекки

Решив похудеть, Ребекка начала отслеживать калорийность съеденной пищи с помощью специального приложения на смартфон. Затем девушка стала использовать гибкую IIFYM-диету (If It Fits Your Macros), которая делает упор на том, что ежедневно человек должен получать определенное количество белков, жиров и углеводов. Иногда Ребекка позволяла себе алкоголь, сладости и другую высококалорийную пищу, но при этом не выходила за рамки своей дневной нормы КБЖУ.

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Be the girl that decided to go for it ??? I’m glad I did: five years ago I was so uncomfortable in my skin and in a miserable routine of eating whatever I wanted, only exercising with measly effort 3 days a week, and spending way too much time on the couch instead of enjoying LIVING my life. The scale kept climbing and I kept becoming more and more unhappy. My life changed 100x for the better when I finally said ENOUGH and started to take care of my body by fueling it with proper nutrition, making myself workout everyday no matter how sweaty I got or how much it sucked along the way, and sticking to my goals until I saw progress instead of throwing in the towel when things got tough like I had done so many times before in the past. DECIDE you want it, and then MAKE IT HAPPEN! I promise you are strong enough ?? #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossinspiration #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney

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Примерное меню Ребекки

Завтрак: омлет со шпинатом и нежирным сыром + греческий йогурт + чашка кофе

Обед: курица с зелеными бобами и морковью + диетический десерт

Перекус: низкокалорийный бублик со сливочным сыром

Ужин: лосось с запеченным бататом + спаржа

Путь к стройному телу одним питанием не ограничился. Ребекка каждый день по часу уделяла бегу или силовым упражнениям.

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#transformationtuesday “No matter what happens, no matter how far you seem to be away from where you want to be, never stop believing that you will somehow make it. Have an unrelenting belief that things will work out, that the long road has a purpose, that the things that you desire may not happen today, but they will happen. Continue to persist and persevere.” —Brad Gast The girl on the left went to a wedding, looked back at these pictures afterwards, and couldn’t believe how much she had let herself go and how much her body had changed with recent weight gain. She didn’t know how, she didn’t know if she ever really could be successful, she just knew she had to start SOMEWHERE on the journey to becoming a better version of herself. It took two years of hard work, persistence, and a whole lot of faith in myself and that my fight was worth it, but eventually I lost the weight and became the girl on the right: who no longer has to look back on wedding photos to see flaws in myself – I just see a happy, healthy girl who stayed the course on the long road to getting my heath back and still believes this path is worth the effort, worth continuing on, worth the fight to persist and persevere to stay here ??? #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossinspiration #weightlossmotivation #weightlossmaintenance

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За 2 года девушке удалось скинуть 45 кг лишнего веса. «Впервые в моей жизни у меня был плоский живот и я, наконец, стала уверенно чувствовать себя в бикини» – рассказала Ребекка в интервью для Popsugar.

Сейчас у Ребекки больше 150 тысяч подписчиков в Инстаграме, где она делится секретами своего похудения. Ей ежедневно приходят сообщения от женщин, которых она вдохновила изменить свое питание или записаться в спортзал.

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#transformationtuesday The picture on the left was taken on a weekend down at the beach with my parents in 2013. I was probably about 20 pounds away from my highest weight of 246 pounds but I remember looking at that picture afterwards and really noticing how much my body had changed from gaining weight. My face had changed, my arms had gotten so much bigger, and instead of wearing a cute floral dress because it was summer time and it made me feel girly, I wore it because I literally did not own any shorts at that time that I could fit over my hips and love handles. I wore that pattern to try and disguise how much weight I had gained and it wasn’t until moments like this when I looked back at these pictures that I realized I really couldn’t hide it anymore. It took me a few more months until January of 2014 until I finally decided I was ready to change my life and I started working out daily and tracking my food intake. I stayed consistent, worked hard, and started to see results! It’s been a heck of a journey since then: I first lost 100 pounds over two years and now I’m just trying to find a healthy balance of maintaining my weight loss while still being able to enjoy my new lifestyle ? I’m glad that I can now choose to wear floral dresses not because I’m trying to hide anything: but because I want to and my new healthy lifestyle means that I never have to worry about being able to find something that fits anymore. All I see when I look back at my pictures now are all the fun memories I made on that day and I’m so glad that I took the steps needed to get my health under control to be at this point ? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmaintenance #weightlossbeforeandafter #fitfam #weightlossinspiration

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Начать похудение с понедельника, после Нового года или когда появится возможность – верный способ не начать никогда. Люди, которые без компромиссов берут все в свои руки и меняются до неузнаваемости, наплевав на отговорки, безусловно, достойны уважения!

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